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Correct operation of liquid nitrogen tank buckets

Editor:adminClick: Time:2024-06-24 15:09
When using the liquid nitrogen tank to pick up and place the pail for storing frozen semen, the pail should be raised slightly to make the bottom of the pail leave the base of the liquid nitrogen tank, and then the pail of the liquid nitrogen tank should be moved to the center of the liquid nitrogen tank in parallel, and it should be raised naturally. The action should be fast and strong, so as not to damage the handle of the pail of the liquid nitrogen tank.
Another point is to avoid touching the inner wall of the neck pipe when taking and putting the liquid nitrogen tank pail, so as not to damage the neck pipe of the liquid nitrogen tank. The handle of the liquid nitrogen tank pail is the position of the handle, which must be placed in the dividing ring properly, and finally the neck plug of the liquid nitrogen tank shall be covered to prevent the liquid nitrogen from running out and causing a large amount of liquid nitrogen waste.
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