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10 L Liquid Nitrogen Tank Cryogenic Dewar Container Tank Semen Tank

Editor:adminClick: Time:2019-04-18 16:06
Our company is specialized in manufacture liquid nitrogen tank 3liter, 6liter 10liter , 20liter, 50liter and many other sizes. If you have demands, welcome to contact: sales@n2tank.come for more details. WhatsApp 86 13273728386

10 L Liquid Nitrogen Tank Cryogenic Dewar Container Tank Semen Tank 

1 几何容积
Geometric Volume
The space volume of the inner tank defined by the geometric size (excluding that of neck tube)
2 口径
Inner diameter of neck tube
3 外径
Outer diameter of outer shell
4 高度
Maximum length of the shell (excluding the plug and canister)
5 空重
质量。Weight of dewar with plug at the ambient temperature (without canisters)
6 液氮吸收体
carrier of adsorbing liquid nitrogen

序号 No	术语 Terminology	定义 Definition 1	几何容积 Geometric Volume	由内胆内缘几何尺寸(不含颈管)所限定的空间 体积。 The space volume of the inner tank defined by the geometric size (excluding that of neck tube) 2	口径 Caliber	颈管的内直径。 Inner diameter of neck tube 3	外径 Outside Diameter	产品外壳筒体不含筋的外直径。 Outer diameter of outer shell 4	高度 Height	产品外形不含盖塞和提筒沿筒体轴向的最大长度。 Maximum length of the shell (excluding the plug and canister) 5	空重 Empty Weight	产品在内胆为室温空气,带盖塞,不放提筒时的 质量。Weight of dewar with plug at the ambient temperature (without canisters) 6	液氮吸收体 Adsorbent	吸附液氮的载体 carrier of adsorbing liquid nitrogen

10 L Liquid Nitrogen Tank Cryogenic Dewar Container Tank Semen Tank 

The instructure of liquid nitrogen tanks
(1)The liquid nitrogen container consists of an inner tank, an outer shell, and a neck tube connecting the two parts. The durable inner tank and outer shell are made up of high strength aluminum alloy.
液氮罐包括内胆,外胆,以及连接上述两个容器的颈管。 耐用的内胆和外壳由高强度铝合金制成。
(2) The storage tank is in high vacuum space between the inner and outer shells, and with multi-layer thermal insulation material. Therefore it has excellent performance of deep freezing.
液氮罐内外胆之间处于高度真空,且有多层保温材料。 因此它具有优越的深度冷冻性能。
(3) The neck tube is made of reinforced glass plastic which has the lowest heat conduction coefficient, so it can control the incoming heat from the neck tube to the minimum limit.

10 L Liquid Nitrogen Tank Cryogenic Dewar Container Tank Semen Tank
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