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The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun

Editor:adminClick: Time:2019-03-22 09:36
Hello,I am Ivy, we are China manufacturer of liquid nitrogen sprayer, liquid nitrogen gun and liquid nitrogen containers for dairy farming, cell, sperm and sample storage, artificial insemination, widely used in hospital, lab and vets, biology company, cryotherapy treatment. If anything i can help, please contact me! ivy@pchaoinstrument.com Mobile phone/ whatsaApp 86 15038267159. Thank you! www.n2tank.com

The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun

The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device consists of a copper head, an infusion tube, a liquid nitrogen cup and a handle. According to the pressure formed by the evaporation of liquid nitrogen, the liquid nitrogen overflows from the liquid nitrogen cup and enters the copper head through the infusion tube to achieve freezing. The effect of the copper head/spray.
 The liquid nitrogen cryostat treatment instrument has the characteristics of small volume, light weight, simple structure and convenient operation. The advantage of the therapeutic apparatus using liquid nitrogen cryotherapy is that it can replace surgery, is safe and non-toxic, has little harm and no pain, and does not damage healthy tissues. Less sterilization bleeding.
The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun
The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun
The method of use is as follows:
1. Change the copper head according to actual needs;
2. Unscrew the liquid nitrogen cryostat treatment device, and the liquid nitrogen is less than two-thirds of the total volume of the liquid nitrogen cup;
3. When using, hold down the small hole on the handle, and spray liquid nitrogen in the cold head to use.
The outer casing is made of aluminum, the inner special glass reinforced plastic, the handle is made of advanced engineering plastics, the appearance is beautiful and generous, easy to clean and conform to hygiene.

The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun
The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun
The hand-held liquid nitrogen cold therapy device is light and convenient to use.
It is cooled by liquid nitrogen and the volume of the liquid storage bottle is 300ml/500ml.
With 9 copper heads (treatment point half 1-6 mm, two nozzles: big / small two and one through needle).
The copper head temperature can be reduced to -190 degrees during operation. Equipped with a variety of copper heads and nozzles for different applications.
Liquid nitrogen cryostat treatment equipment is widely used in the medical industry; Dermatology, ENT, gynecology, oncology. The main application is pain, soft tissue damage, acute inflammatory disease, skin disease.
Catering industry: the production of molecular food, the quick freezing of fresh food, the preservation of fruits and vegetables in supermarkets.
Note: Liquid nitrogen cryostat treatment equipment is mainly used in the beauty industry and catering industry
Not a medical device, no medical device registration certificate

The liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen sprayer gun
liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen gun liquid nitrogen sprayer 
liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen gun liquid nitrogen sprayer 
liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen gun liquid nitrogen sprayer 
liquid nitrogen cryotherapy device liquid nitrogen gun liquid nitrogen sprayer 


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