How to Make Ice Cream with Liquid Nitrogen?
Time:2018-04-23 17:58
How to Make Ice Cream with Liquid Nitrogen?

You might think that it is very easy to make liquid nitrogen (LN2) ice cream. It might seem simple but it is not so simple. However, after you have made it you will see that it smoothness and creamy texture is just awesome. You might ask how the liquid nitrogen ice cream is creamier than the regular one.
The creaminess that you notice comes from quick freezing of water particles and the fat. It is no secret the faster you freeze the ice cream the creamier it becomes. It so happens because of quickness of freezing and it forms fewer ice crystals.
While learning to how to make ice cream with liquid nitrogen, you must pay utmost attention to safety measures. Liquid oxygen boils at -321°F, which is freaking cold. Always be careful not expose your skin to it or put your hand in it. If you do this, it is certain that you will lose your hand. If a drop of it will land on your hand, it is not going to kill you; in all probability, it will boil off your hand and will feel very cold.

For making ice cream with LN2, you would need a dewar (well-insulated flask designed to hold liquid nitrogen). It is recommend not using regular store thermos. They might be able to hold the LN2 but they will break apart by the extreme cold temperature. Dewar is a sturdy container and often found at the nitrogen gas dealerships. If you have got a friend at chemistry lab, you can ask him to check out at his lab.
It is important to wear gloves that go all the way up to your arm. It is imperative that you make sure that no part of your skin is exposed while you are handling liquid nitrogen. Then, you would need a sturdy wooden spoon. Using metal spoon is not recommended because it will conduct the cold and make it really uncomfortable for you to mix liquid nitrogen ice cream. Always use wood while handling liquid nitrogen in food products.
Last but not the least, you would require a big bowl. It is recommended that you use a recipe with a custard cream base. If you do not want to try anything fancy, just put eyeball cream vanilla, sugar and your favorite condiments into your mixing bowl. Freeze it with liquid nitrogen and your delicious ice cream is ready.
Summary: For getting liquid nitrogen you can contact a liquid nitrogen production plant. Such plants are used to generate the pure liquid nitrogen which is used in preservation of food industry.
Keywords:liquid nitrogen dewar,
liquid nitrogen ice cream,
liquid nitrogen ice cream making,
liquid nitrogen container for ice cream
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